
‘The eyes have it !’


No, you are not hallucinating. This Routemaster does have “eyes”.

Ensignbus RML2405 plied some of London’s better known thoroughfares on 14th December 2013, to promote the childrens’ book ‘Bradley the Bus – The Magic Puzzle’.

This view shows it on Victoria Embankment.

Busmopolitan is returning !

Busmopolitan Logo 02

After an enforced absence of nearly 3 years, the Busmopolitan – Essex& District Bus News Page, is set to return.

In the meantime,welcome to the ‘Busmopolitan Blog’.

H160LJN 60 HO TY 9-4-14

We begin with a pic of Hedingham Omnibuses’ “Elder Statesman” Leyland Olympian no 60; seen outside Tollesbury depot on 9th April, 2014.